One day, while using your computer as an FCI special agent, a nuclear war suddenly begins. Now, you must initiate a counter-strike. However, that's when captchas and the free software you downloaded earlier come into play

How to SAVE YOUR EARS (or crush them into pieces):

Volume settings are located in the lower right corner of your screen (icon of a person wearing headphones). Recommended to play with headphones.

 They are sorted in the order of muted, okay, what the..., psycho.  Default option is "what the...".

USEFUL TIPS (recommended to read after playing a bit):

Sometimes solutions are easier than you think at first. Give this game some time, and it will open up.

  • "Captcha"
     Select all images that contain a dog.
  • "This is not meth"
     Do not use the cross to close the ad.
  • "Is Taiwan a part of China?"
      Want to earn more social credit? Be mindful of your desires.
  • "Find x" 
      You may have seen this picture before (you can try Googling it). Anyway you can just solve it
  • "Fix it" 
      Close it immediately because its number doubles every second.

Don't forget to press the button at the end! =)


We encourage you to explore the game and read every piece of text you encounter. We've made this game rich in content that we hope will make you laugh. Sometimes we push boundaries, but we do not intend to offend anyone.


Programming: Triangle Interactive, boris1592

Art: runtime57

Sound design: Vendetta228

Created with Godot 4.2.1

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
Authorsp5ina, boris1592, runtime57, Vendetta228
Made withGodot
Tagseaster-eggs, Fast-Paced, Pixel Art, virus


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This made me so mad, 10/10 loved the unique behaviours for the pop-ups.

10/10 gave me xp vietnam flashbacks